The Power of Not Giving Up

Jul 08, 2024

Just keep going. That is the short formula for success.

No matter what the goal in life, those who refuse to give up will eventually reach that goal.

This healing process is no different. If you constantly find ways to “just keep going” in your healing and self-care efforts, you will find improvements. You will find success.

There are so many things that might try to knock us off track in this process, so many circumstances and voices (both internal and external) that might try to convince us to throw in the proverbial towel.

We might have doctors or even loved ones telling us that maybe we ought to just give up and turn around already.

We might have faceless people online saying that the journey just isn’t worth it.

We might have the voice of the “devil on the shoulder” telling us that we aren’t worth all this effort, or that our efforts won’t pay off anyway.

We might also have such a negative voice try to tell us our improvements aren’t really that big of a deal, and instead tell us to focus on a problem.

But remember, when this sort of negativity starts to get too loud in your head, bring the focus back to faith and back to simple truths. And also get back in touch with the things that you are working toward.

To get in touch with faith when the negativity ramps up, try to put together a list of four or five Bible verses and/or inspirational sayings that help you to feel encouraged, that help you to say, “Okay, I’ve got this. I’ll be okay.”

A couple of Bible verses that I like are:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”

Psalm 23:1-3 “The Lord is my Shepherd. I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He refreshes my soul.”

And a few quotes that I like about “moving forward” include:

“Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning.”

“I may not be there yet. But I’m closer than I was yesterday.”

“A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”

Just keep going. And to get in touch with simple truths when feeling negative, try to focus on the following phrases:

“I will heal. Every day, whether good or bad, is bringing me an important measure of healing.”

“My situation does have a solution, and I am walking the path of that solution every day.”

“I am loveable and valuable, and my future is worth a lot. I am walking toward a brighter future, step by step.”

Focus on the above verses and quotes to find the motivation needed to keep moving forward this week.

Do you part, and ask the Lord to take your hand as you walk through each day. Ask Him to bless your path. He is guiding you forward, and you are making progress.

Just keep going. You’re getting there!


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About the Author

Michael Priebe is a writer and wellness coach who has helped people from all over the world understand antidepressant withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal, anxiety, stress, and healing. In coaching he has worked one-on-one with individuals from nearly twenty countries, and his Lovely Grind YouTube videos inspire thousands of viewers each month. He invites you to inquire about his coaching today to find the knowledge and inspiration needed to fuel your own wellness journey. 

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